divendres, 19 de desembre del 2014

CHRISTMAS Activites:  For every one!!!!

Hello Ponent School Students!!!
On this Holidays you can practise some activities related to Christmas!!! You've got a lot of activities to read, sing, do and play!!!

Do it and tell me it in a comment!!


dijous, 18 de desembre del 2014

Verb TO BE:  5th and 6th Grade

Hi 5th and 6th grade students!!

Can you choice the correct form of verb TO BE?? Type the number 1, 2, or 3 and solve the sentences.

Tell me in a comment your results!!

My score is ____ points!!!

Happily after ever: 6th Grade

Hello 6th grade students!!

Do you remember the story "Happily after ever"??  

Read and listen to it again and then do the comprehension activity.

Do it and tell me in a comment!!

 Story multiple choice

Chicken Soup: 5th Grade

Hi 5th grade students!!

Do you remember the story "Chicken Soup'??  Read and listen to it again and then do the comprehension activity.

Do it and tell me in a comment!!


dimecres, 17 de desembre del 2014

The body: 4th Grade

Hi 4th grade students!!

Here you are, 5 activities for reviewing the vocabulary we've worked in unit 2.
Do them and tell me in a comment!!

School Objects: 3rd Grade

Hello 3rd grade students!!

Here you are, 8 activities for reviewing the vocabulary we've worked in unit 2.
Do them and tell me in a comment!!

dissabte, 8 de novembre del 2014

Wordsearch: Sports 4th grade

Hello 4th grade students!!

Click on the image of this word search and look for the name of six sports!!

Adjectives (comparative and superlative sentences): 6th grade

Hi 6th grade students!!

It's time to practice what we've learned this days in the class. Make this exercises about adjectives.

Click on the image and choose the best answer or write it!!

dimecres, 5 de novembre del 2014

Bonfire Night: 6th grade

Hello students!!

La nit de Guy Fawkes també coneguda com a Bonfire Night (la nit de les fogueres) és una celebració que es du a terme principalment al Regne Unit la nit del 5 de novembre, per commemorar el fracàs de l'atemptat del 5 de novembre de 1605, conegut com la conspiració de la pólvora amb el qual una facció de catòlics, entre els quals hi havia Guy Fawkes, van intentar destruir las seu del parlamanent a Londres.

Tradicionalment la celebración incloïa espectacles pirotècnics i la construcción de fogueres sobre les quals es cremaven els Guys, que eren uns ninots amb l'efígie de Guy Fawkes, el més conegut de tots els conspiradors del 1605.

Hi ha diversos plats típics d'aquesta diada, com les pomes caramel.litzades, les jacket potatoes (patates al caliu, tradicionalment cuinades a la foguera), pèsols negres amb vinagre o el Bonfire Toffee (caramel de la foguera), entre d'altres.

dilluns, 3 de novembre del 2014

Halloween: 5th grade

Hello students!!

This days we've been learning opposite adjectives. For Halloween we used these adjectives to draw pumpkin faces. Here you've a photo of them.


dijous, 30 d’octubre del 2014

Happy halloween : 3rd and 4th grade

Hello everybody!!

This week we have talked about Halloween at class. We’ve listened and watched the story of Winnie the Witch and her black cat. We’ve listened to a Halloween song. Do you want to listen to it at home???

dilluns, 27 d’octubre del 2014

Listening activity: 5th and 6th grade
Hello again!!

A new year has started and new things are waiting us.

This week we have done a listening activity with 5th and 6th grade. We practice listening in a funny way. We enjoy it a lot.

Here you've got the song to listen to at home.

MAGIC! "Rude"