dijous, 30 d’octubre del 2014

Happy halloween : 3rd and 4th grade

Hello everybody!!

This week we have talked about Halloween at class. We’ve listened and watched the story of Winnie the Witch and her black cat. We’ve listened to a Halloween song. Do you want to listen to it at home???

3 comentaris:

  1. julia calvet 4tA4/11/14 18:18

    Hello Rosa mi is Julia.
    Mi its like the DVD.
    thenquiu Rosa.

  2. Rosa Roig5/11/14 19:53

    Hello Julia!!! M'alegro molt que t'agradi la cancó!!!

  3. Yasmin Boulouad16/12/14 19:08

    hola, rosa magradat molt el joc i la canco
